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Ascended Master: Pallas Athena Candle Vigil

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Ascended Master Pallas Athena - Chohan of the 12th Golden Ray - is a warrior Goddess of truth and justice, and is believed to help those who are struggling under oppression to stand up for themselves and speak their righteous truth. She will thwart those who bear false witness as she obliterates lies and deceit while leaving only the bare truth. If you call upon Athena to intervene on your behalf, be sure that your cause is right and true as she does not tolerate being called upon to aid with injustices. She also helps those who fight for a truth or a cause beyond his or herself. To Learn more about Ascended Masters and Theosophy, click here. Rev. Saint Germain will dress, bless and burn a Ascended Master: Pallas Athena Candle on your behalf. At the conclusion of the ceremony (usually 5-7 days) he will e-mail a picture of the work and, if selected, a report of any interpretations & signs.

Please enter your name and your specific request in the provided fields. It would also help if you'd e-mail me a picture. After you order your candle you'll be redirected to a page where you can send me your picture and any further instructions. Thank you so much!

Candle vigils are a great way to connect with spiritual help & guidance, but sometimes stronger work is needed. If you believe your situation requires extra care, have a look at our special altar works.

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